Posts Tagged ‘Dynamic Discounting’

De-Stress with Accounts Payable Automation

The accounts payable department of a company is essential, and yet often under-appreciated. Without the payables department, the business would never pay off suppliers and would therefore come to a halt. The payables department keeps the company running smooth—but it’s […]

Dynamic Discounting: Reaping the Benefits of Early Pay

It’s no secret that an organization’s ability to survive and prosper often depends upon their willingness to find and utilize new revenue streams. One such innovative and often overlooked revenue stream for the accounts payable department is the dynamic (or […]

Building a Business Case for AP Automation

The evidence in favor of switching to accounts payable automation is pretty overwhelming. As well as being faster and more efficient, automating the process of capturing invoices can save your company money at every stage. But building a business case […]

Soft Gains: The Difference AP Automation Makes

When an organization has made the decision to automate accounts payable, often the focus is on increased efficiency. AP Automation certainly provides measurable efficiency gains, but what about the soft gains? AP automation is making a difference for a lot […]


There are many benefits of payables automation, from time and money saved, to better relationships with suppliers and other departments. Your accounts payable team will have time they didn’t have before to focus on fraud prevention, discount capture, and audit […]

Invoicing: Good, Better, and Best

The great business mogul Henry Ford once said, “The competitor to be feared is one who never worries about you, but goes on making his own business better all the time.” As Mr. Ford stated, we don’t worry so much […]

ROI and AP Automation

When the time comes for an organization to review options or even pull the trigger on a new investment or project, the notorious ROI will always be the focal point. Many possible initiatives are deemed hard to justify and thus, fall […]

Centralized Control with Automated Efficiency

Challenged with a broad base of locations and employees, enterprise companies need to reduce cost and delays associated with paper processing while maintaining centralized control. While many are already utilizing EDI for much of the transaction volume, there can still […]

Dynamic Discounting: The Best Way to Early-Pay Discounts

Suppliers often end up waiting over a month to receive payment for a product or service provided. This means the “frozen” capital is temporarily unavailable for the organization to use in other areas, which can often cause tension between the […]