News Blog
DLC TAMPA, Fla., March 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — DocuPhase, a leading provider of business process and accounting automation, document management, data capture, and payments technologies has acquired iPayables, a premier enterprise solution for accounts payables (AP) automation and supplier management solutions. Founded in […]
Provo, UT — September 14, 2022 iPayables today announced that its accounts payable automation solution for Enterprise Resource Planning is now available on SAP® Store, the online marketplace for SAP and partner offerings. iPayables InvoiceWorks® integrates with SAP ERP and […]
Historically, the accounts payable department has been thought of as an overhead expense, not as a revenue generator or as important to future strategy. This view of AP has been, for the most part, grounded in truth–until now. With enterprise-level […]
In times of economic hardship, learning to do more with less can be the difference between scraping by during the rough times and enduring. Accounts payable departments are no different. Enterprise-level accounts payable automation can transform AP from a cost […]
Drop a pebble into a pond, or skip a stone across a lake, and watch what happens. The pebble or stone sinks quickly from sight, but ripples spread from the point of impact and keep going after the pebble or […]
When creating an efficient accounts payable department, deciding which functions to improve first may often prove a difficult task. If there is no approval process for invoices, they won’t be properly received. Implementing an external AP Workflow by itself is […]
When an organization has made the decision to automate accounts payable, often the focus is on increased efficiency. AP Automation certainly provides measurable efficiency gains, but what about the soft gains? AP automation is making a difference for a lot […]
As the accounts payable automation market heats up, research firms are increasing their coverage of the space and discussing prominent automation providers. iPayables was recently mentioned in the 2021 Gartner Market Guide for Accounts Payable Invoice Automation Solution. iPayables touts […]
As the accounts payable automation market heats up, research firms are increasing their coverage of the space and discussing prominent automation providers. iPayables was mentioned in a recent report by major research firm Forrester, Now Tech: AP Invoice Automation, Q4 […]