In an effort to better market our organization and in conjunction with launching a new website (see previous post), iPayables has been building a new look / feel while re-defining its brand. One challenge we face in this regard, is that although iPayables has a great product and already amassed some amazing clients; it has previously lacked a true brand identity, something that would resonate with potential clients. We needed an image that when you glanced at it, you would instantly think iPayables.

A major hurdle facing our marketing team when looking at potential website designs and branding options; is what we do and the industry we are in does not lend itself very good imagery. In fact, most our competitors use cliché and drab business stock images to explain their brand. Images like a guy in a suit with his arms folded, or a businesswoman pointing at a chart or a picture of a stack of coins. Sound familiar?  While using these types of visuals might make an organization look serious and professional, it is very unmemorable and begs the question, what is the point of marketing if you can stand out in any meaningful way?

With our goals clearly defined, we set to work brainstorming, drafting, starting over and drafting again until we came up with a concept that we could build around. The idea we had was to emphasize how our electronic invoicing service eliminates the need (and hassle, wasted time / money, etc.) of using paper invoices. Therefore, why don’t we use the image of a paper invoice that has been folded into a paper boat and sent down the river? A kind of bon voyage to paper invoices – if you will.

The image we eventually developed for our new website and subsequent business cards, trade show banners (like the one below) and other marketing materials; was that of paper invoice boats making their way down a river. They are sailing away from a large city complete with an airport (that represents our airline clients), a fast food-type restaurant (in homage to our restaurant clients), a hospital building (representing our healthcare clients) and other buildings (see website). From a branding perspective, this image is original and (we hope) an iconic enough to stand out in a big way from our competitors. It has bright colors, is relaxed and fits well with our general theme that switching to iPayables makes your life easier and ‘will make you look good.’

As time passes and as we disseminate our message through our various marketing efforts, the repetitiveness of seeing our current look should at least make an impression to those who see it. Enough so that when they become perspective clients and are looking for an AP automation solution, they will remember iPayables.

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