Dynamic Discounting

Myths about Automation in Accounts Payable

It can be scary to think about making the switch from paper invoicing to full AP automation – questions might be swirling around in your head, preventing you from getting started with the process. If this is you or your […]

The Bottom Line and Dynamic Discounting

In the modern business world where profit margins and the bottom line are often razor thin, there’s no room for waste anywhere in the company. Counting paperclips is always on someone’s mind, as it should be. But isn’t it better […]

Improve Interdepartmental Relations with APIA

We often talk about how accounts payable invoice automation (APIA) can improve relations between your company and its suppliers. What we don’t often describe are the ways in which automation can improve interdepartmental relations. And it does, in significant ways […]

Staying on Top of Things with AP Automation

Ever get that feeling of being on a treadmill that’s going just a step too fast for you to keep up? If you’re in an accounts payable department that’s stuck in the age of paper invoice processing, you probably experience […]

Five Important Benefits of Accounts Payable Automation

The key to developing an exceptional product is planning, and planning requires a deep understanding of what the customer needs. Aim to meet all those needs while constantly improving on your product and you’ll always stay ahead of the game. […]

Best Practices in Payments

Like invoices, paper checks continue to stubbornly hang around. Maybe it’s because, historically, payments were expected to have some kind of heft to them, whether it was a livestock exchange, raw gold or silver, minted coins, treasury notes, or paper […]

Overcoming Resistance to Accounts Payable Automation

Maybe you’ve already heard about the benefits of enterprise-grade accounts payable automation. You might have even taken advantage of a free, no-obligation demonstration and realized that this is the way forward for your company. So, you passed it up the […]

The New Metric: Accounts Payable as a Profit Center

We all know that “profit” and “loss” are the two terms that drive the business world and its metric(s) more than any others. Everything a company does is looked upon with one overriding question: Is it making us money or […]

Automate and Leave the Heavy Lifting Behind

How did we ever get along without computers or the ability to automate? Computers contribute to the operation of just about everything now. From cars to elevators to restaurant menus to medical equipment, computers have a hand in just about everything we […]