SaaS Solutions: Helping Businesses to Help Themselves
We all know what they say about fishing, give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime, while showing the rest of his village how to do it too. You’ll find a similar story in most workplaces, particularly when it comes to technology.
The fascinating thing about software and IT is that we have built our present/ future around them. Modern businesses rely very heavily on technology and software to streamline efficiencies, keeping pace in an ever competitive market. Yet, this doesn’t necessarily mean that all companies are on the same page.
Keeping Up with the Pace of Change
In the workplace, particularly, the need to keep abreast of technological updates is often discussed, even while organizations struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of change. To maximize the benefits of on premises solutions, businesses need to invest valuable time in training and learning. Yet, technology moves so fast that, by the time all workers have been fully trained in the use of new software, it’s already outdated.
So, what’s the answer? How can businesses help employees to expand their IT skills, while also making the most of new and emerging software? According to a recent survey carried out by Champions of Software as a Service, 66% of companies currently using software-as-a-service (SaaS) benefit from a much more agile software application process.
SaaS Solutions as an Ongoing Process
SaaS solutions are faster and easier to introduce, even at a relatively rapid rate, because they are broken down into manageable components. Rather than being a standalone implementation, something like AP automation is introduced as a series of bite sized applications, with a fluid and organic link to both its predecessor and successor software.
This makes it much easier for organizations to master, because the changes are small and gradual. They occur in a rolling fashion, so that the team recognizes their benefits, without being overwhelmed with new rules and requirements. As updates are handled by the supplier, no downtime is needed to apply new patches. By releasing new features when they are ready, instead of waiting for the whole software package to be complete, users are given the chance to learn and grow at their own pace.
The Many Advantages of EIPP Applications
It is a crucial difference, because if enterprise understands, then they won’t flood IT departments with requests for assistance. If an essential upgrade like electronic invoicing is introduced, via the use of SaaS solutions, there is a much greater chance of it being fully embraced and adopted.
For smaller businesses, e-invoicing frees up valuable time and resources. It streamlines transaction processes and significantly reduces errors. Both of these benefits result in a more efficient and productive AP department. If the AP department is performing well, a company can focus more attention on securing early payment discounts while using EIPP tools to strengthen ties with customers and suppliers.